Production relocated, competitive prices, lower cost for workforce, more cash. These are just some of the factors that have intensified commercial traffic between countries around the world.
Integrated Logistic is surely the crown jewel of Sertra Logisics services and it’s an extremely profitable solution for a lot of companies.
Our headquarter is located in the industrial area of Nogarole Rocca (Verona) and serves as a hub in a very strategic part of the Italian mainland.
In order to guarantee high efficiency during the delicate procecess of goods stocking, our Information Technology department developed a managing software system which helps our operators to manage accurately the pallet or the single piece inside a box, avoiding mistakes and speeding up the procedures.
Moreover, our costumers have a private online account where they can keep track live the flow of their goods inside our facilities. They can also order part of the goods for shipping to final destination or simply keep it in their warehouse.
Our logistic operators are qualified to receive the products that arrive at Sertra Logistics warehouse, managing and organizing them professionally.
We manage goods arrival in 4 simple steps.
Examination of shipment to make sure it is suitable and not damaged.
When required we also take care of the packaging on pallets.
We label the pallet and scan it in order to correctly record all data into our software system
Our operators stock the pallets in our facilities.
Safety surely is not a background option, that’s why Sertra Logistics headquarter in Nogarole Rocca is equipped with certified sprinkler sytem .
It is an automatic rain fire-extinction which can detect the area of the fire and control it in advance. This special equipment allow us to stock hazardous goods (flammable, explosive, etc.) safely with no risks.
Taking care of your products is our main objective.
That’s why we offer also a complete service which includes a customs warehouse and shipment department.
If you need more info on our inbound logistic service or you want to request a quote
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